project " LUCY the Beauty Origin "

#LUCYtheBeautyOrigin ape

↑ photo from depositphotos

#LUCYtheBeautyOrigin #森田ちひろ #moritachihiro

↑ illustrator 森田 ちひろ × morita chihiro instagram

#LUCYtheBeautyOrigin #池田和宏 #ikedakazuhiro

↑ illustrator 池田和宏 × ikeda kazuhiro  Instagram  Facebook  twitter

#LUCYtheBeautyOrigin #広瀬コウ #hirosekou

↑ illustrator 広瀬コウ × hirose kou  twitter pixiv

#LUCYtheBeautyOrigin #okadaerk

↑ illustrator  okadaerk twitter web Instagram

ルーシーは類人猿で有る. だが,(私も含めた)誰も,彼女の顔を決める権利を持ってない.

我々は想像する. 彼女が美の起源だと.

Lucy is the ape. No one(including me) has the right to decide her face.

We imagine. She is the beauty origin.

ሉሲ ጦጣ ነች. ግን.  ማንም ፊቷን አያውቅም. በእርግጥ የእሷን ፊት አላውቅም.

እንገምታለን. እሷ የ ውበት ምንጭ ናት.

Wikipedia : Japanese English

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